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Saturday, October 07, 2006


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I volunteer to knit and will also propose this to my knitters circle. I have one other person in this area who has already volunteered. I have emailed you. Please let me know how we can help.


Amish women wear black shawls, by the way (and very plain stitching). I submitted a comment in your previous post (a few minutes ago) about helping with the distribution of the shawls. Let me know if I can help.


For the knitters, check out Fiber Trends "Edged with Lace" square shawl/blanket by Evelyn Clark. It is a square garter shawl edged with your choice of lace edgings in different yarn weights. If not used as a shawl it could wrap a new child in comfort. The shawl pattern may be plain enough to meet the Amish "requirement" for plainness.


I also have a friend here in SLC that would like to donate funds. Let me know how that's going to work and I'll pass on the word. I'll post about the shawls tomorrow! Oh and I do want to knit (not good enough in the spinning department) and I'd love to knit what you spin.

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    These are photos of finished objects, knit pre-blog. Some of these date back to the early 1980's, not having knit since my mother taught me to knit a scarf at the age of six.


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